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deb crowley's journey into self awareness, understanding and love

I can remember the very moment as a small child I realized the power of creating, the gift of expressiveness and the discovery of a sweeter time and place. The fleeting fun of crayons and colored paper soon gave way to the more challenging and rewarding excavation of raw adobe clay from the hillside behind my house. The thrill of hardening it in the backyard fire pit and my obsession to create was sparked. I never looked back...

From the feeling of clay between my fingers, to the flow of paint off my brush, to the challenge and thrill of molten glass, that passion and joy has led me on the most incredible, amazing journey.  A path to share with others my dreams, my hopes, my love in such a tangible and beautiful way.  It is my pleasure and responsibility to pass on my knowledge, lessons and creative processes so that others find the path to their own creative voices. 

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